Music Video

Thou Shalt Always Kill

My mate John passed this on. Really, really good. It’s Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip, ‘Thou Shalt Always Kill’:

General Video

The Most Hated Family in America

I was disappointed to miss Louis Theroux’s documentary about the Westboro Baptist Church on Sunday. For those who don’t know them, they are the crazy people who picket soldier’s funerals and generally spread a message of hate. Louis lived with them for 3 weeks to explore their motivation behind their “preaching” and the resulting programme is astonishing. Luckily some punter ripped it to Youtube in seven parts so here they are: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7. I’m hoping the BBC have the good sense not to pull it from Youtube.

Music Video

What happened to

Fionn Regan is a singer-songwriter dude from Bray. I got a random link to one of his videos a while ago for his song ‘Be Good or Be Gone’ (video in the full post). Incidentally that particular track is being used in a Toyota ad at the moment. In finding out about his music I visited his official site two weeks ago and had a browse. UnaRocks linked to another one of his tracks called ‘Put a Penny in the Slot’ (mp3 clickage) so I decided to go back to see where I could get a hold of his album and bam, up pops a generic spam/hosting page. “That’s weird, I thought that was the address”, so I googled it and the cache has the site as it was. After looking up his myspace page it appears as if he’s aware of the problem and is gonna fix it.

Video Web

Suit up – Viacom vs Google/YouTube

John Stewart - The Daily Show
Apparently Google and YouTube are being sued by Viacom for “massive intentional copyright infringement.” How did it take them this long to react? YouTube is all about the copyrighted content. I’m not particularly keen about watching some 15-year-old tell me why Ireland are doing so badly in the qualifiers. Content like that doesn’t interest me but clips of ‘The Daily Show’ do. Viacom’s case will be the fact that YouTube and Google are making advertising revenue from their content, which is fair enough. The fact is that traditional media companies like Viacom are incredibly confused about “the internets” and refuse to break down their traditional revenue models to accomodate new technology. Some lawyers are about to make a mint if this goes to court.

General Music Video

The Finest – Purty Kitchen, Dun Laoghaire

The Finest
The above was snapped at The Finest gig I went to last week in Dun Laoghaire. You can view all of the shots I took on the night here or click through to the full post for a video of ‘Dancing in the Moonlight’. A fantastic night was had by all. 🙂