Video Web

The magnificence of it all

Music Video Web

The Hot Sprockets – Soul Brother

I’ve mentioned The Hot Sprockets before as we’ve met and interviewed them at Spirit of Folk plus been to a few other rockin’ gigs. Their new single, Soul Brother, has a brilliantly funny video which is embedded above. Volume up and full screen it. Like the sound? I’d highly recommend catching them live in Whelans on the 20th. €10 tickets available here.


What If Other Planets Were As Close As The Moon?


Fascinating series of images by Ron Miller on io9 showing what planets would look like if they were as close to us as the Moon is. (h/t

General Video Web


I came across the trailer above via @blogography‘s blog and it blew me away.

BRIDEGROOM is a documentary directed by Linda Bloodworth-Thomason that tells the emotional journey of Shane and Tom, two young men in a loving and committed relationship — a relationship that was cut tragically short by a misstep off the side of a roof. The story of what happened after this accidental death– of how people without the legal protections of marriage can find themselves completely shut out and ostracised– is poignant, enraging and opens a window onto the issue of marriage equality like no speech or lecture ever will.

Marriage equality is something I strongly believe in. The idea that marriage will be “undermined” or “threatened” by affording the same right to all citizens is absolutely ludicrous. I’m a liberal because I don’t feel the need to control other peoples lives.

“It’s not a gay thing. It’s not a straight thing. It’s a human thing.”

Here’s the original video that started it all:


We Cause Scenes

We Cause Scenes, a crowd funded movie that charts the rise of Improv Everywhere, had it’s world premiere at the SXSW Film Festival in Austin, Texas recently. I’d thrown a few euro in the pot when it was being funded as I love what they do as a group.