Dunboyne AFC General

Suas and Sios

Suas (pronounced sue-as), the irish word for up and Sios (pronounced she-os), the irish word for down describe this weekend. On Friday I went to football with the lads but caught my finger in the railings while running along the side of the pitch. It dislocated and I got Clive to pull it back into place. It was really sore afterwards and swelled up but I was glad it hadn’t broken. Was pleased with my goal-scoring performance afterwards though.

Saturday I lazed about the house for the majority of the day and then headed into town to meet Anne-Marie and her mates for her birthday do. We went to 4 Dame Lane, a nice pub (bit hot and the music was a tad too loud) in the centre of the city. I only knew Anne-Marie and there were loads of people there so I eventually got chatting to Maria (Anne-Marie’s mate) who by all accounts was very friendly and particularly good looking. 🙂 After 4 Dame Lane we headed around the corner to a club called Ri-Ra where we stayed until about 3 and then headed off home. They got a taxi home and I went for the nitelink which I just about caught. Unfortuneatly when I got on the bus there was a running fight going on upstairs. They wouldn’t calm down at all so the gardai were called and took them off the bus and arrested one punter. Have never seen that much trouble on the bus before but it lead to a 25 minute delay in getting home.

Today I was up relatively early for an away game with the team. The game was against Baldoyle United but it was on out in Malahide for some reason. 😐 Anyway, the conditions were absolutley atrocious with heavy rain on an already wet pitch leading to a really scrappy game. Baldoyle went on to win 4-1 due to some bad defending and a lack of concentration. 🙁

The Site Web

Two Years On

Two years ago today I started blogging with a piece of software called b2. I started mainly to keep a note of the developments I would be making on Orion (my final year project for college) and also to keep a note of events in my life. It’s covered a lot of topics in the intervening years and its been valuable to look back and see what’s happened to me. I was shocked recently at how few entries I had made and so have resolved to keep more up to date and I seem to be doing that so far.

On the technical end of things, the software which runs the blog changed in December 2003 from b2 to WordPress and the changeover couldn’t have gone smoother. WordPress continues to be developed by a dedicated team of programmers lead by Matt and Ryan. Incidentally, I was experimenting with the upcoming 1.5 release which has now gone into beta on the weekend. It looks great and now adds the facility to add “Pages” which lie outside of the blog structure but are still editable. There have been a lot of changes but I’ve decided to wait until a stable release is available before upgrading. Anyway, here’s to another few years on the blogging train. 😉

Movies Recommended

Meet the Fockers

Went to see this last night with Anne-Marie and wasn’t expecting too much based on some of the reviews its been getting in the States. Have to say firstly that I enjoyed it as a film. However, compared to its predecessor, it doesn’t stand up to critical assessment. Considering the cast they had to work with, the script is lazy and retreads ground covered in the first film. That mainly involves Gaylord getting himself into ridiculous situations and then being ridiculed by Jack Byrnes. For a sequel to Meet the Parents, that just isn’t good enough and the lack of quality set pieces is illustrated by the fact that a scene which could have been comedy gold, the Focker family reunion, is instead reduced to lame name checking when they could have introduced some of the extended frat pack. All in all a decent film but a disappointing continuation. Lets hope Meet the Little Focker doesn’t get made as there just isn’t enough material here to justify a third.

Tony’s Rating: 5/10

Plot Synopsis: Having given permission to male nurse Greg Focker to marry his daughter, ex-CIA man Jack Byrnes and his wife travel to Miami to Greg’s parents, who this time around are Mr. and Mrs. Focker, who are as different from them as can be. As asked in the first movie, what sort of people name their son Gaylord M. Focker?


Interview with WordPress developers

WordPress, the software which runs this blog, is approaching the 1.5 release and NuclearMoose has interviewed the lead developers about it. It addresses a couple of issues such as nofollow and paid support. I’ve always been a big fan of WordPress after trying to find a decent weblogging solution. Incidentally, the blog is two years old at the end of this month (:smile:) so I must remember to post an entry on the day.


Crazy Busy

The past week has just been really busy. Ryan, the head consultant on the project I work on, left last Friday for a new job in politics so we’ve been adjusting to the change since. Myself and the project manager have been taking on the workload since but it has been one of the busiest weeks I’ve had in work. 🙁 Outside of work, I had training on Monday out in Dunboyne then the cinema with Mark on Tuesday (see the Team America post below) and then down to Kenny’s on Wednesday for the United Vs Chelsea cup game. I was due to go to the cinema with Helen last night but one of her relations passed away and, understandably, she didn’t feel up to it. Tonight is football with the lads and tomorrow I should be seeing Dave and Mark for a few DVDs and pizza. 🙂 Hopefully next week won’t be so busy.