
Crazy Busy

The past week has just been really busy. Ryan, the head consultant on the project I work on, left last Friday for a new job in politics so we’ve been adjusting to the change since. Myself and the project manager have been taking on the workload since but it has been one of the busiest weeks I’ve had in work. 🙁 Outside of work, I had training on Monday out in Dunboyne then the cinema with Mark on Tuesday (see the Team America post below) and then down to Kenny’s on Wednesday for the United Vs Chelsea cup game. I was due to go to the cinema with Helen last night but one of her relations passed away and, understandably, she didn’t feel up to it. Tonight is football with the lads and tomorrow I should be seeing Dave and Mark for a few DVDs and pizza. 🙂 Hopefully next week won’t be so busy.


$150 Billion

That’s the total cost of the war in Iraq as of last week (source: Cost of War via Neil). Neil goes through the full story in this post and links to a page which shows what $87 billion dollars (the amount originally planned to be spent) looks like.


“Jeez, it’s hot in here!”

If you’ve ever been to the International Comedy Club then you’ll be able to relate to the title of this post. The place was absolutely jammers last night as I suspect the word got out about Ardal O’Hanlon doing a set. Luckily the group I was with, who I know from the forum, were allowed in early as we had planned to meetup there. It was so jammed that they were forced to put on a second show downstairs which I haven’t seen since I’ve been going there. 😯 Anyhow, the gig itself was excellent. It was kicked off by Penny Tration, a comedian and singer whos lyrics had a sexual slant as suggested by her name. 🙂 She was very funny and was followed by Ardal O’Hanlon who was testing out some new material. He went down a storm as ya would expect and didn’t seem half as nervous as he was the last time I saw him live in Lucan.

After the interval a friend of mine, Robbie Bonham, from Des’ forum was performing a 5 to 7 minute set (:neutral:) but he had planned to use a flip chart as he’s very good at art and sketching. Due to how full it was however he couldn’t use it (there were people seated on the stage) and came up with an excellent routine which was very well received. After Robbie finished Des came on to do a set which was more improv than structured but was very funny. 🙂 All in all it was an excellent night and the people I met from the forum were really sound.

Dunboyne AFC General

Thank God for the Weekend

As the title suggests, I’m really looking forward to this weekend. 🙂 Haven’t had a really hard week but I feel a bit tired in general lately so any time off is welcome. I’m going to football now in a few minutes (hoping the rain holds off :neutral:) and then I may go down to the pub in the morning for the Man United vs Liverpool game. Tomorrow night is the forum meetup in the International which I’m looking forward to. Sunday, the football returns as the team are playing St Mochtas in a cup game at home. Then later on Sunday I’ll probably go to see “Million Dollar Baby” which is Clint Eastwood’s latest film. Will post on how the weekend went first thing on Monday. 🙂

General The Site

Year in Review, By Entries

Saw this on Neil’s blog. Basically you post the first sentence of the first post from each month so here goes:

January: No posts.
February: No posts.
March: No posts.
April: Well the system is fully set up to allow us to post our thoughts and photos from our trip to Spain.
May: No posts.
June: Some pics from the 2004 Women’s Mini Marathon which my family ran for Saint Francis Hospice in Raheny.
July: Just installed WordPress 1.2 Plugged In which Alex King was most kind to offer.
August: NuclearMoose managed to sit down and quiz lead WordPress developer Matt Mullenweg about the forthcoming 1.3 release.
September: The title gives you an indication of how the first game of the season went against Priorswood. (The title was “More to be done”.)
October: Jimmy couldnt make the last game against…… I’m ashamed to say I don’t remember…..oh there it is, McKelvey Celtic.
November: Went to the Halo 2 Launch Party in the Metropolitan Bar this evening.
December: Well its two weeks since I’ve posted and it’s also just under two weeks to Christmas.