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Net Visionary Awards 2005

DSC00372 Last Thursday was the 2005 Net Visionary Awards in Clontarf Castle. My boss was nominated in the eGovernment category for our site Unfortunately he didn’t win but we did have a great night out. I got to meet a couple of people who I’ve only talked to on the phone so it was nice. Michele runs down the winners in this post. Next year I’d like to win one of them as the new site will be live by then. It’s a tough job though as the competition is excellent.

9 replies on “Net Visionary Awards 2005”

Sorry Michele I don’t. Was just using the cameraphone so only took a couple of our party. Wish I had taken more.

what do you want to see others for when you have a pic of international sex god tony

WOOOOO wook at wittle tony wony in his monkey suit!!!!

Even if you do look like your trying to disguise a boner there Tony.

Personally, I think it a travesty that did not win in every category. Roll on the new site, eh?

(You should come play with us kids more often, Tony. We like you!).

Looking good! was robbed of course. I mean who are these Fáilte Ireland nobodies? I’m sure they didn’t scrub up as well as you and Peter Dee in any case.

Trev: It’s a true point.

Wolfy: You’ve caught me out. There were a lot of attractive women there.

Conor: Can’t believe you found this site.

Ryano: Yeah Fáilte Ireland are complete noobs. We’ll win next year with the new site. 😉

in fairness you like like two lads brought into merrion sq trying to explain soccer to the F.A.I, “NOW when they have a direct free kick near your area the defense makes a wall, like this”

[…] I had been introduced to Michele Neylon at the Net Visionary Awards and was aware of the fact he owned Blacknight and was up for one of the awards. We didn’t chat much on the night but I’ve had some involvent with them since through work and decided if I was moving back then I might as go with them as I know they provide good service. I chose to get the Blog Package which worked out at €62.00 inc VAT. Granted, I don’t get as much bandwidth or disk space as I had, but I never came close to using that anyway. Now I’m saving money plus I get the domain renewed for another year. […]

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