
Turlough Hill and Glendalough

2014-08-10 15.46.31

Turlough Hill, Ireland’s only pumped hydro-electric storage system, turned 40 this year and the ESB are celebrating by offering free tours. I’d been on such a tour in primary school so was interested to see it with adult eyes. It’s still an impressive facility capable of generating 292MW of electricity during peak demand periods. Water is released from its upper reservoir allowing it to flow through four turbines into a lower reservoir. The water is then pumped to the top lake during periods of low demand. Our guide explained how provisions and sleeping quarters are built into the station as crews can be trapped for periods due to inclement weather (8 days in his case).

Afterwards myself and the da took a walk down to Glendalough and the Poulanass waterfall. Always time well spent. Closed the day out by watching the International Space Station pass over Dublin accompanied by a supply ship which will dock it tomorrow. As Sundays go…

2014-08-10 17.18.39

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