General Travel

Kevin & Oana’s Wedding

Had an amazing weekend in Timişoara at Kevin and Oana’s wedding. We arrived late on the Friday after flying into Budapest and driving the 200 odd miles down to Timişoara. While a few of the lads joined Kev in a local nightclub, the rest of us retired to bed after a few beers at the hotel.

Saturday was spent exploring the city and some of the architecture really is stunning. The Botanic Gardens are in need of a bit of attention though (I doubt Peter would have approved). 36 degree heat means you get tired quite quickly so we headed back to the hotel for a nap before heading to Mario and Anna’s place for a BBQ. The food was delicious and we ended the night playing darts (came first and promptly came last in the next game). We had a nice lie-in on Sunday morning before the wedding at 3. Kev entered to the Rocky theme tune (awesome) and Oana looked absolutely stunning. The ceremony itself was Romanian Orthodox (I think) and was different to anything I’d seen before.

After the ceremony we retired indoors (heat was getting the better of us again) and sat down to enjoy the first of 6 courses spread over hours and hours. That was a major difference. In Ireland you sit, eat the courses and then a band/DJ come on. In Romania, they’re all mixed together. It worked really well actually, even if I was full by the fourth course (seriously good food). We drank and danced the night away after that. They’re a fantastic couple and I wish them all the best for the future. Naroc!

The football crew

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