

We’d pushed on the night before to give us a shorter drive into Chicago. That didn’t account for the traffic we encountered entering the city though so it was dark by the time we reached the hotel. A quick shower, a change of clothes and a crazy taxi driver brought us to Chinatown. After finding a fairly abandonded restaurant we had what can only be described as the best Chinese food we’ve tasted. After a few beers in a local bar we retired to bed.

After covering a good few miles the day before we got a nice lie in before heading for Shedd Aquarium. Their oceanarium section is closed for renovations so we went into the Planet Earth 4D show. We’d been to a couple of 4D shows already in Universal so kinda knew what to expect. This was above and beyond though. From stuff in the chairs to bubbles coming out of the ceiling, it ended all to quickly and we headed for lunch.

Apres lunch we toured through the rest of the aquarium (otters ftw) and made our way out onto Michigan Avenue. According to the guide book I’d had a glance at, the best views of Chicago are from the John Hancock Observatory located on the 94th floor. Being that high up over a city is freaky. David Schwimmer talked us through the history of the city (audio tour, he wasn’t there in person :)) and made our way around to Pizano’s Pizza. Dave from Blogography had made reference to this place so I wanted to check it out. Man is their pizza good plus the locals eat there which is a sign in itself.

The Kerryman pub was our last stop where we got chatting to a few Americans (hi to Chelsea and Amanda). Several beers and hours later we made our way back to the hotel. Alas is to say we didn’t rise as early as we’d hoped for the drive to Toronto.

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