
Signatures and Blackouts

Kev sells his soul Pictured left is Kev signing us in for another “season” of football on Friday nights. Great to have it back as the prospect of no footie every week is depressing. Played alright on Friday but need to get running a bit more. Preliminary plan to get up at 6am and have a run a couple of mornings a week. Let’s see how that pans out. God knows I need it.

On Saturday, Liverpool beat Chelsea in the FA Cup Semi-Final. I was chuffed because I have tons of vitriol for Jose Mourinho. Alas, he got one in the face for free. Happy days. Dar came out to watch the game so we went down for a few beers with the usual suspects that evening. A quick stop in the Ball Alley and then on to Courtneys. After being in the place for ten minutes I noticied a fireman come in and go upstairs. Thought it was a tad strange and sure enough a couple of minutes later the electricity failed. Rambled outside to find the fire brigade and the ESB trying to fix a connection. So we went back to the Ball Alley. 🙂

4 replies on “Signatures and Blackouts”

you could have made it sound a bit more dangerous or life threating

Aido: I should have made it sound more dangerous alright. I’ll write a screenplay about it. It’ll be called ‘Snakes in Courtneys’. 🙂

Trev: It’s a great pub because it’s in Lucan. 😛

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